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I spent my entire life under a different name: Joey Brown. My birth name, Leonie Joanne, was kept for official documents. Yet, something always felt "off." Every time I said my name out loud, it felt like my energy didn’t align. I used to think it was just shyness, but then I discovered the real reason…
Kabbalah and Your Birth Name
In November 2022, I had a three-hour name reading with a special lady, Sherine Lovegrove. She would guide me through the meaning of my birth name, according to Kabbalah. "Joey is my lifelong nickname. It is also my author's name," I wrote to her, "but it is not the name I was born with."I had felt how my birth name, Leonie Joanne Brown, was calling me. In my meditations, the cover of my second book also appeared: image, title, and my name. But as an author's name, it wasn't Joey Brown. It was my birth name. As if only by returning to my birth name could I confirm the birth of my second book.
I felt the weight of that name as well. And I felt sad because I had neglected, left unused, my name for 46 years. Your birth name resonates with your soul, I know, so why have I denied that vibration? I also felt that in this whole name issue, I still had an important piece to heal within myself.
Your Birth Name Vibrates with Your Soul and Soul Purpose
"You are a Lioness," Sherine said as soon as we connected on Zoom. "A lioness who is constantly evolving, moving, and has a mission to constantly reinvent herself. Re-creation is essential for you. Rebirth and giving birth to Creation. Constant change and movement."My eyes rolled in amazement. Re-creation, rebirth, in short, everything I present in my work came up. "And leadership. You have it naturally. It is essential for you to constantly pass on what you do for yourself to others."
She showed me my birth name in Hebrew and opened her analysis of my birth name. She explained letter by letter. Already with the first letters of my birth name, I stiffened. I heard words like "dot" and "line," and in her explanation, almost the entire content of my book Writing towards Consciousness passed by!
Your Essence in Your Birth Name
"This is unbelievable!" I exclaimed. "The dot and the line, my vision of creation and the creative process, and everything I convey with writing meditation and my constellations work was already present in my name?!"And the further the analysis went, the eerily accurate it became. I told her about what I do in my daily life, my book, my life lessons, and the whole process leading up to my second book, and the next level shift in my business. "As I hear you, you are right on top of your soul mission with everything you have put into the world," she said.
Do You Know the Story of Your Name or Names?
"However, for your second book, you MUST use your birth name. Joey has carried you to this point. Joey is a male name. Perhaps your parents intuitionally felt that your soul NEEDED this extra nickname to pave your way through life, supported by the masculine energy of this name?"I became silent. I got the uncomfortable feeling that my father, at my birth, already "knew" that he wouldn't be around for long, and that "Joey" would provide me with what he could not give me in this life: support, presence, decisiveness, focus.
Your Name Connects You with Your Family History
"Leonie Joanne is calling forth your female side, your femininity," she continued. "Now that you have formed your foundation and are consciously embodying your soul mission, Leonie Joanne is now asking you to stand up in your femininity and connect with your female lineage."The touching thing about all this is that the initials L and J have also been passed down to me through the male line. In a line of Leonard James Brown Seniors and Juniors, I am the first and only woman to carry these initials. However, Leonie connects me with my female lineage and various ancestresses. Female and male, I realized, become one in my birth name!
Sherine explained it to me in detail: "You have 4xN in Leonie Joanne Brown. That letter is incredibly important for everything related to femininity and being a woman, creation, and receptivity. Do you understand how important it is for you now to welcome those 'N's into your life?"
Yes, I understood. But Sherine was smarter than I was, and she invited me to feel it too.
Can You Feel Your Name? And How Does It Feel?
She asked me to say the name Leonie out loud several times. That hit me immediately!"How does this feel for you?" she asked.
"Like razor-sharp knives tearing open my womb." It felt as intense as I write it.
"Can you stay with it?"
I could. It was painful, but I knew this kind of pain well enough not to be afraid anymore. Along with this pain, a stream of images started. I was here and now, and at the same time, somewhere else.
"What do you see? Where are you? Are you willing to take an inner journey?"
Yes, I was. I felt the urgent need to heal that part of myself. I suddenly understood why my birth name had been calling me all this time: my female lineage was asking for healing.
Visualization of the Family Constellation
Through a visualization of a family constellation, Sherine safely guided me through the increasingly intense images that were passing through me. She took me to the source of disconnection, non-feeling, the cutting off (feeling like knives) of femininity and being a woman. At the end of the visualization, my womb calmed down, and I felt a new space, a relaxation that went deeper than I had ever felt.How it went, who and what I saw, and how trauma has influenced generations, I will gladly share with you in my next book. For now, know how important it is to become aware of your history, your origin, the stories that live in your family. Because in awareness and in healing and honoring the generations of women and men who came before you, you heal and honor yourself and all who come after you! Past and future, it comes together in you. And in your name. Welcome, I say, to Leonie Joanne Brown.
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Who am I?
Leonie Joanne Brown is a bestselling author, transformational coach and trainer, and a pioneer in her field. As an expert in Systemic Coaching and Book, Business and Family Constellations, she has helped thousands of individuals to break through their limitations. She lives and works on the Greek island of Icaria, worldwide known as the island of longevity. When connecting with her, it will ignite a process of profound transformation.
Systemic constellations are, alongside writing, her primary tool for igniting and supporting your transformational process. She holds the space for you as you dive deep into your roots, with respect and love for everything that wants to be seen and healed. Work with her towards a divine rebirth of your most authentic self! You’ll experience a newfound sense of liberation, all while being embraced with love and support, and empowered to grow a compelling voice and influence in the world.
Find out more about her
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