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General Terms and Conditions


Below you will find the terms and conditions that apply to the entire online offering and to the offering of live workshops or weekends, individual coaching, training and retreats.

These are the General Terms and Conditions for the offerings of: www.leoniejoannebrown.com; an initiative of COMM. V. JOEY BROWN (company name), owned by Leonie Joanne Brown.

Article 1

By signing the registration form and paying the registration fee, you agree to these terms and conditions.

For high-end programs or activities, you will receive an additional, customized Agreement. After signing, this Agreement will take precedence over the general terms and conditions. 

Article 2

When registering for a program or a retreat, the total amount must be paid in full: for retreats, this is no later than 60 days before the start of the retreat. In the case of (online) programs or workshops, this is no later than 2 weeks before the start. COMM. V. JOEY BROWN reserves the right to allow exceptions to this (in the case of installment payments).

For bookings for retreats and workshops made less than 8 weeks before the start, no payment exceptions or installment plans are possible, and the full amount must be paid. COMM. V. JOEY BROWN reserves the right to cancel the reservation if payment is not made within the specified time.

Participation in all the programs or retreats is voluntary. Customers are free to opt-out of the program. However, please note that opting out of program participation does not entitle you to a refund of the registration fee or a replacement lesson or activity.

If a customer decides to cancel participation (due to illness or personal circumstances), the customer is entitled to a partial refund of the participation fees:

For retreats:

  • If the customer cancels more than 90 days before the start of the retreat: a 50% refund of the participation fee.
  • If the customer cancels between 90 and 60 days before the start of the retreat: a 25% refund of the participation fee.
  • If the customer cancels less than 60 days before the start of the retreat: no refund is possible.
  • If a customer is unable to attend the retreat, the customer is allowed to replace themselves with another participant at their own initiative.

For (live & online) training and programs:

  • If the customer cancels after having signed the customized Agreement: no refund is possible.
  • In the case of a no-show or early departure: no refund is possible.


Article 3

COMM. V. JOEY BROWN has the right to make changes to the programming of a retreat, such as when a teacher cannot (anymore) provide the workshops due to illness, relocation, pregnancy, or other circumstances. In such cases, COMM. V. JOEY BROWN will provide an alternative date, a voucher, or a professional and qualitatively comparable replacement. The customer will be informed by email before the start of the retreat.

Article 4

COMM. V. JOEY BROWN reserves the right to cancel a course or retreat if there are valid reasons, including insufficient participants or illness of the teacher. In the event of cancellation by COMM. V. JOEY BROWN, you are entitled to a refund of the course fee already paid, unless:

  • alternatives are organized within the same year or the following year
  • you are offered a voucher
  • a professional and qualitatively comparable replacement is provided
  • there are force majeure circumstances

In the case of force majeure, COMM. V. JOEY BROWN is committed, in the first place, to provide alternative activities and/or a voucher. The customer is asked to accept these alternatives. 

If the force majeure is of such an extraordinary nature that alternative activities at a later moment in time or a voucher for future activities are not possible, the customer is entitled to a  refund of the registration fee.

In the exceptional case that a refund is granted, the customer will receive the full registration fee minus a 10% administrative fee.The customer is not entitled to any other compensation or damages. COMM. V. JOEY BROWN advises the customer to take out their own travel and cancellation insurance in cases of force majeure.

*The voucher must meet the following conditions:

  • An activity with the same essential characteristics is organized at a later date at the same or a nearby location.
  • The activity is organized again within a period of three years from the date of the original event.
  • The voucher represents the full value of the amount paid for the original ticket; No surcharge is levied on the holder of the voucher for attending the new event.
  • The voucher expressly states that it was issued due to force majeure.
  • The voucher may grant the right to purchase other products from COMM.V. JOEY BROWN within three years from the date of the original event.

Article 5

COMM. V. JOEY BROWN undertakes to ensure the smooth running of programs, training and retreats. Participation is entirely at your own risk. COMM. V. JOEY BROWN is not liable for injury and/or damage of any kind as a result of the stay and/or activities, nor for the loss or damage of customer property.

The customer is also responsible for unforeseen circumstances such as accidents or illness, and the customer is responsible for any additional (medical) costs incurred. COMM. V. JOEY BROWN advises the customer to arrange their own cancellation and travel insurance for accidents, theft, baggage loss, and medical expenses. COMM. V. JOEY BROWN is not liable for this.

Complaints must be made in writing and motivated to: COMM. V. JOEY BROWN, info@leoniejoannebrown.com

Article 6

The activities during the programs, training and retreats are not intended to replace therapy. Always discuss physical and/or mental complaints with a qualified doctor. The customer is asked to always report specific complaints before the retreat. The teacher may adjust the program or provide personalized exercises in response to these complaints. Do not force anything, and take both mental and physical complaints seriously. For further clarification, please also read the disclaimer for retreats and workshops.

Article 7

COMM. V. JOEY BROWN handles your data carefully. Please take a moment to read the Privacy Policy.

Article 8

The fact that some parts of these general terms and conditions might not work or be valid doesn't change the rules for the other parts. The rights and obligations arising from the agreement cannot be transferred, in whole or in part, to third parties without the prior and written consent of the contractor. The non-exercise by the contractor or the customer of their rights, at any time, in no way implies a waiver of those rights.

Article 9

In the event of a dispute, only the courts of the registered office of COMM. V. JOEY BROWN are competent. Belgian law applies.

Article 10: Supplementary Note on the offerings

On the website, the customer has the chance to download excerpts from two books written and published by Joey Brown (Dutch version) and Leonie Joanne Brown (English version). Both e-books provide a brief snapshot of the original books, making it easier for readers to get to know Leonie’s work.

  • Book: Writing towards Consciousness, Finding your True Story, 2023, published by Leonie Joanne Brown.
  • And Method: Writing towards Consciousness & Dot-Line Meditation

  • Book (Dutch version): Brown Joey, Schrijven naar bewustzijn, 2019, Altamira Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • And method: Schrijven naar Bewustzijn & Punt-lijn-meditatie 

In both the online and live offerings and teachings, the customer becomes acquainted with the book and method “Writing towards Consciousness” (or the Dutch version: "Schrijven naar bewustzijn"), including the writing method Dot-line meditation (Dutch: "Punt-lijn-meditatie").

“Writing towards Consciousness” and “Dot-line meditation” are registered names and methods of Comm. V. JOEY BROWN. Both book and method are protected by copyright.

It is not allowed to use “Writing towards Consciousness” or "Dot-line meditation” as a name or method for your own professional initiatives without the express permission of COMM. V. JOEY BROWN.


Copyright © 2024 - 2025 Leonie Joanne Brown