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LET'S TALK LOVE AND MONEY. Your Best Investment is Your Personal Growth.
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LET'S TALK LOVE AND MONEY. Your Best Investment is Your Personal Growth.

Friday 03 May 2024

Money is love. Or the lack thereof.
Money is security. Or the absence of it, a source of stress.
Money is "dirty," better not to touch it.
Money is the root of all evil.
Money doesn't buy happiness.
Rich people are either stingy or dishonest.

What drives your money mindset? What beliefs about money were you raised with?

On social media, I see more and more coaches making grand promises about money, with statements like "This month I earned 5 figures and here's what I did." As if it's earned with the snap of a finger. Maybe they did earn that amount that month, but I don't believe in the snap of a finger or those two or three simple steps, at least not when it comes to sustainability. One-hit wonders are easy to manifest, but sustainable streams of money, love, abundance in your life, in short, I believe, are the result of a deep inner process. Money can only be there for you if you dare to receive it. Same goes for love. Same goes for experiencing abundance in all areas of your life.

How do you see this? To what extent can you already experience and receive love, money, abundance in your life?

I myself grew up in an environment where entrepreneurship (or "earning your own money") was considered risky. Especially when it came to entrepreneurship in the world of "art" (writing, painting, the Art of Living, or Personal Development Art).

My first steps as an entrepreneur in something like "creation" (of books) were hesitant and cautious. "Investing" in yourself and your business was something I didn't know, didn't dare. But with time and experience, I began to realize that investing in myself and my business was necessary if I wanted to grow.

Last year, I invested an "impossibly" high amount. That money went towards a new website, towards books (translating and publishing my own book and a second book in co-authorship), towards personal coaching and health. I also expanded my team, scheduled more connecting team meetings so I could delegate more tasks. I invested in things like branding, communication, and so on.

Despite long months of uncertainty and a bank account alarmingly in the red, I kept faith in the process. Stepping into the creation process without seeing immediate results became my greatest challenge in trust: that everything would turn out fine.


Because my soul has a mission, namely co-creating a New Conscious World with like-minded souls. As a human being, I become very humble, and I do everything I can to support that soul mission.

Along the way, I began to realize more and more: how I think about money is not solely "mine." My money mindset carries deeply rooted beliefs from previous generations. Like, for example, this belief: "Wealth is meant to be shared." As soon as there is money, I tend to give it away again. 

In essence, this is absolutely positive: once your own bucket is full, you can indeed give abundantly. The problem with me, however, is that I often forget to fill my own bucket first.

When I asked my mother about it, there came the story of my great-grandfather, who as a fairly wealthy farmer during the war gave away all his harvests - and if it weren't for my great-grandmother, also his entire belongings - to the poorer farming families who had to fight to survive. To the great frustration of my great-grandmother, he often came home empty-handed. On the one hand, she admired her husband for his big heart, but on the other hand, she experienced his behavior as a lack of love (for his own family, for his own "bucket") because "he found other families more important." In short, my great-grandmother's critical voice and her boundary on his giving ensured that both our family and the other families came out of the war fairly unscathed.

Stories like these can deeply penetrate and have an effect on subsequent generations. Like both the voice of my great-grandfather and the voice of my great-grandmother living within me. My task as a human being and entrepreneur is to continually seek a balance between giving and daring to receive, between giving and still taking good care of yourself.

For example, if your family history is marked by financial setbacks, war, or loss, these experiences can be unconsciously passed on and manifest as a deeply ingrained resistance to investing, or to even undertake anything anymore. It can cause inexplicable fear or blockage in you. You might think, for example, "What's the point? I'll just lose it again." It can translate into a "fear of war" or "fear of the world." You're mainly focused on all the bad news, you look at the current world through the lens of fear, and you're afraid to undertake anything, fearing that "the crisis" or "the war" will take it away from you again.

How about you? Do you think "money is the root of all evil"? Do you maybe recognize the feeling of "not being worthy" of experiencing financial success?

However, and this is great news: money itself is neutral! It's the projections and beliefs we attach to it that determine our experience with money. If we approach money from a place of love, it can flow in abundance. If we see it as "dirty," it will manifest negatively for us. At least, that's how I've experienced it.

Looking at money, I've learned, you do best through the lens of love. Even when it comes to receiving it. How much of my love and money can flow to my business? The kind of love that gives me permission to realize my dreams with my business. The kind of love that says, "Yes, I can! Yes, I dare! Yes, here I stand!" That's also self-love. You dare to take risks. Because you and your business, you and your mission are worth it!

For me, money is a means, an energy that we can use to stimulate love and growth. "Money can be laundered in the washing machine of the heart," as "Happy Money" author Ken Honda so beautifully says, and can be used for loving creations that contribute to a better world.

In short, if we want to create a life full of abundance, it starts with love. Love for ourselves, our mission, and the world around us. It starts with the courage to give, to receive, to invest - with love as our compass.

The theme of Money Mindset is also part of my 12-months Training BEYOND. What you learn is to give yourself the permission you seek. You learn to say no to anything that no longer grows you (or your business). You learn to make new choices, set boundaries, seek a better work-life balance.

We do this, among other things, with constellations and bodywork. We face our biggest fears (like the fear of scarcity), we invite all our blockages to make themselves visible, and to move again from a place of love.

Has the 12-months Training been calling you for a while, but you haven't dared to take the step yet and do you have last-minute interest? The door is still open for you. You just need to take this first step: book yourself a free conversation as soon as possible via my online agenda.

You can download the complete content and all practical information about the Beyond 12-months Training 2024-2025 by clicking here. You'll immediately be taken to the information page.

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Who am I?

Leonie Joanne Brown is a bestselling author, transformational coach and trainer, and a pioneer in her field. As an expert in Systemic Coaching and Book, Business and Family Constellations, she has helped thousands of individuals to break through their limitations. She lives and works on the Greek island of Icaria, worldwide known as the island of longevity. When connecting with her, it will ignite a process of profound transformation.

Systemic constellations are, alongside writing, her primary tool for igniting and supporting your transformational process. She holds the space for you as you dive deep into your roots, with respect and love for everything that wants to be seen and healed. Work with her towards a divine rebirth of your most authentic self! You’ll experience a newfound sense of liberation, all while being embraced with love and support, and empowered to grow a compelling voice and influence in the world.

Find out more about her


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